About me
We'll sleep in the fields, we'll sleep by the rivers,
and in the morning we'll make a plan...
(Bruce Springsteen, This hard land)
My name is Pierre, but on the trail I go by Flame.
I’m 40 years old, although given how slow I am making this web site, I may well be 41 by the time it’s online and you can read it… And you might very well read those lines in years from now anyway… It’s probably best to say I was born in April of ’79 and let you do your maths if you have the dimmest interest in knowing my age…
I’ve been lucky enough to travel a fair bit already, for work, for leisure, for life. Born in the south of France, I was raised partly there and partly in Morocco. I studied in France and Austria, did my summer jobs in the US, and then work had me live in several European capitals while travelling almost every continent. And all the while I’ve been traveling for myself of course, chasing art fairs, exploring the world… Some may say I’m restless… On several occasions, after dark and maybe after a few libations too many, my friends and I have wondered why one travels: is it to feed from the sheer beauty of things? To meet people? To find onself or to lose oneself a little more? Probably a mix of all this I would say, although I’m not sure in what proportions exactly.
I’ve made this web site to provide those who want to hike the PCT with comprehensive and accurate information on how to prepare for the thru-hike. That was my primary objective and I think I’ve reached it, but I may very well add pages to the site as I go on with my own adventures.
When I’m not on the trail, you can find me playing and writing music, doing acroyoga, or even both at the same time.
And for those who read pages to the end… here’s a song I like a lot and I often have in my head when I walk.